How To Youtube AdSense ads would appear on the blog

Indeed, there are many ways to earn adsense account, some of which is through registration by using blogs berflatform blogspot, through youtube or register to use the site's top-level domains, if we sign up for AdSense through your account youtube or blogspot account, the account adsense to be obtained is an Adsense account hosted manifold, whereas if we get adsense account through registration blog top level domain (TLD domain or personal blog), then adsense account will we get is a non-hosted adsense account.

Ads from Account adsense hosted only be installed in partner google, like a blog with blogspot subdomain or in video youtube, whereas adsense account non-hosted can be mounted either on the site's top-level domains, blogspot and youtube video, and can be installed in more than one different blog, then ads from the adsense account can be installed on many different blogs.

To get an Adsense account is not easy, but if you have been the most convenient way than the other way is to get adsense account via subscription account youtube, the news circulated until now register via youtube easily accepted than registration via the blog, if you succeed then the adsense account you will get is hosted youtube adsense account which you can use to monetize your youtube video.

Can adsense account from youtube mounted on blogspot?

It was not such a policy a few years ago, where the adsense account obtained from registration via youtube could also appear when installed in the courtyard blogspot, but this time his policies have changed, adsense account obtained from youtube just to put on youtube videos only, and accounts adsense obtained through registration via blog can only be used for blogs only, meaning youtube adsense account can not be used on the blog and vice versa.

The existence of these policies until today raises many questions from the bloggers why my adsense ads not appearing on the blog, it may be used adsense account is hosted and not its designation.

Although you can put your youtube adsense account code in blogspot anyway page ads will not appear and will only display enampilkan blank blank alias. therefore, do not be surprised when you put adsense account hosted youtube posted on the blog page, or vice versa blogspot adsense account used in video youtube, ads would not appear.

How To Youtube AdSense account can appear on blogspot page?

Actually there is a way for advertising on youtube adsense account you can look at blogspot or blog top level domain (TLD), that is by upgrading your youtube adsense account becomes non-hosted.

I would remind you again that adsense account obtained from youtube is adsense account manifold adsense account non-hosted and is intended only to monetize video youtube and can not be put in your blog page, therefore the only way to get ads from adsense account youtube can be installed and appear on the blog page, youtube adsense account must we upgraded to become a non-hosted.

By having a non-hosted adsense account then can we put an ad anywhere, at blogspot, blog or site my domain top level or youtube video.

Upgrade steps hosted adsense account becomes non-hosted

Now how do I get the upgrades ?, Here are the steps to upgrade your youtube adsense account:

1. You must already have an account adsense hosted (both adsense account dar youtube or blogspot), if do not have please register first

2. You must have a website or blog top level domain (.com ,. .org, etc), and the blog must be in a state of well-maintained, and already have a lot of visitors. quality blogs will determine how quickly the acceptance or rejection / not upgrade your adsense account.

If you want to be this way you can use other people's blogs.

3. Place the code adsense youtube account on the blog page top level domain, and then perform authorization adsensenya sites in your account, by entering the address of the site that has an adsense for adsense account states that ads will use the blog.

4. Wait until you get a notification via email and ads running on top-level domain pages of the site you are using.

Upgrading an adsense account just as you do a new registration, adsense account will go through a review process 2 immediately, if the Blog is considered feasible, it will most likely upgrade would be welcome, but make no mistake, because upgrading adsense account is arguably difficult, difficult gampag and proved a lot of which did not succeed to do so, it could be due to the quality of the blogs are considered less worthy or adequate or blogs are considered new.

Therefore to get a good chance, you should use top-level domain sites that already have authorization in the eyes of search engines in order to upgrade easily accepted.

If the upgrade adsense account youtube of hosted become non-hosted berhsil then congratulations are now ads from your adsense account will be installed in many different blog and will appear on your blog page either blog top level domain or blogspot, and has been able to monetize the blog concerned shall ,

Thus the article on the guide How To Youtube AdSense ads could appear on the blog, may be useful.
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