On Page SEO's Just 6 It Here It

Finally I could no longer write in his blog mas Ghee, after so long did not write due to busy taking care of my website is now heading www.marketingjoss.com peak of his success. In this case successfully getting some writers.

A bit about the author, please let me also to friends, that if we accept the other person as an author on a website or blog, then there are many benefits that we can get. What are the benefits? One of them is our website is updated every day.

Okay without any great length, this time I'll give you a little tutorial mengenaik SEO Onpage, where it is often even very often asked me through the website and facebook www.marketingjoss.com.

Therefore, I will explain it to you briefly through the article.

Onpage Seo is essentially clicking Optimization page, or a page of our website or blog, where there are some important things that MUST be optimized ie Title, Image, Content (content), Description, Focus keywords (Keyword Focus) and Link. Let's discuss!

SEO On Page 6 It was only following this:

1 # Title

Title or often called tilte, SHOULD use keywords that we shoot. Imagine if you are in a library, then look for a book, but the title did not know. It will be very difficult to find a book that is not it? Google is also like that. Therefore, the role of the title of an article or page of our very important.

2 # Image

I can confirm that this is the most often forgotten. Because many people do not consider this is an important thing.

Imagine you have an object or an object, but the object or the object does not have a name. Then one day you get someone to pick it up. The question "What can you tell people who find these objects?". Will not be able to!

So the image or images that you post on the article MUST have a name. Some of the things that must be filled is, ALT, Title and description or explanation of the image. More complete the better.

3 # Content or content

It can be ascertained, the keywords that we shoot MUST be inside our articles. Just like this article titled "The OnPage SEO Hannya 6 It Here It", so in this article if you pay attention to as well as possible, then have some keyword "SEO OnPage" several times.

Are these keywords should be written as often as possible? certainly not. Just three or four times only if you tulisn length of about 500 words.

4 # Description

Description here means "a description that we write to appear on Google Search Engine". Usually you are using Yoast plugin, must understand where to place this description.

The key to easy to read or visited by people is, for as good and interesting as possible description.
5 # Focus keywords

Focus keywords is very important. This means that we are creating the article has focused particular keyword. For example, as of my writing this, have focused keyword "SEO onpage". Is it possible to use the same keyword focused title suggests, the answer could be.

6 # Link

There are three kinds of links that I will discuss:

Link article concerned. For example as of this writing, has a link "http://info-terapan.blogspot.com/seo-onpage-itu-hannya-6-hal-berikut-ini/" => keywords that I shoot is in the link.
The second part is the internal link. The point is there are other articles that are closely related to the article that we are creating. For example, this article there is discussed the "keyword", then I make her internal link to articles that discuss other keyword. Eg "SEO Article Writing Tips from Beginner Like Me". In the article there discusses how to search for keywords and put these keywords in the article
External links are links that point all other peoples websites. For example, there are arikel discuss about SEO onpage, then there is no link that leads to the same article on the website of others. Eg "Want to learn SEO? These tips for beginners ".

Seo onpage with 6 points above has actually been very, very good. While there are other parts that have to be added.

But the most important of these onpage SEO also MUST be supported by the quality of the articles were really nice and helpful for many people. A good article will get a good ranking in Google, and does not easily slide by other competitors.

So, if you are spotted and will optimize a website or blog spotted and using SEO onpage? I think unwise. Use all means, including sharing in social media. Good luck.
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