8 Top Tips for Building a Successful Blog

Each blogger must be willing to make a successful blog. Success in the sense that your blog is well known, appreciated by readers and fellow bloggers, get a lot of traffic and the latter, of course, make money.

1. Content
Successful blog is all about content. In terms of content, there are basically four things: useful, informative, free, and easy to understand.

If you bring the articles are well-written, original, easily understood information, embellished with beautiful images that are relevant, then the opportunity to acquire quality links, shared widely on social media and receive high rankings in the search engines, would be even greater.

The main points of the internet world, is none other than to find the information useful, relevant, and can be obtained for free. Yes, all is about information!

Therefore, if you are able to provide the right information, in a different way and stand out among the wilds of other blogs, then automatically you will be in front of.

2. Basics of SEO
I dare say that you do not have to be an SEO expert to deliver your blog on the first page of Google search.

I also feel did not understand anything about SEO. Hence also, I wrote an article Blogging Without SEO? No Problem! which I addressed to them, the bloggers (just like me) who do not master the moves SEO.

However, at least you should try tasting basic SEO tips, and that's all I can do, including:

  • Optimizing keywords and use them naturally.
  • Make the title of the article was good and interesting.
  • Navigation is simple and easy.
  • Use of H1, H2 and H3 appropriately.
  • Include a sitemap.
  • Using Google Webmaster and Google Analytics to learn which ones work well and which ones do not.
  • Using robots.txt.
  • Using the canonical tag.
  • Avoid duplicate content.
  • Reading the basic SEO guidelines of Google (PDF)

3. Design
Surely you want more pairs of eyes staring at your blog, and you want them to stay longer and come more often.

To that end, in addition to great content you also need a good blog design. One main tips in this case, you should not use the same free template used by thousands of other blogs. And when you decide to buy a premium template, do not buy a template which is also sold to others after you buy.
Best, try ordering template designers specifically to suit your needs. Not to be valuable exorbitant, and other unique than others.

If you prefer the free ones, then you need to make a few changes here and there in order to still be different with each other. One of the main rules, the design is simple, sweet, light and with a unique look, is enough to start.

4. competitors
Whatever you do, then you should be more innovative, more original, has a better design and present content better than your competitors!

In essence, trying to always win the competition. Take advantage of them (competitors) to learn what works well and what does not.

But, of course you should not be hostile to them. On the contrary, you should try to make friends with them, furthermore, let them be your mentor.

Those who mastered your current niche. Learn what they are doing to arrive at their present situation. This means not only do you read their blogs every day, but try to learn what they do, what their strengths, who gave a link to them, what platform they use, what SEO techniques which they run, and so on.

In this case, one thing that should not be forgotten, though I use the word 'competition' at this point, but in fact: no name contenders blogging world, there is only a partner.

Make your competitors as a partner to achieve mutual success.

5. Promotion
Promote your blog anytime, anywhere, in any way possible and you can do. However, it certainly should not be reckless and excessive, because you can be regarded as a spammer. Everyone hates 'builders nyepam', is not it?

Some things you could do, among other things:

Leverage Google+, Facebook, Twitter and other social media that are popular today.
Commenting on other blogs on the same topic.
Active in various forums.
Using AdWords if you are willing to invest for the promotion of the blog.
The things above will greatly help your blog widely known.

6. The loading speed
It's still something to do with the overall design of your blog. Make sure your blog can be loaded as soon as possible. Because it is very important from two main aspects, namely: the user experience and SEO factors.

Some things to remember:

Code optimization.
Optimization of the image or images.
Use tools like Google Speed, YSlow, Web Page Test, Pingdom or more to find out how well your blog in terms of speed of loading and optimization.
If using a script, use this type of asynchronous priority for faster loading.
Avoid redirect.
Read the instructions on the official Google and Bing about this in great detail.

7. Email and RSS subscriber
No one doubts that customers RSS feeds and email address readers are valuable assets. Try to keep improving your subscriber number. And if done well, 2-3 years from now, maybe you could have over 10,000 email addresses, and it is a very valuable asset for the purposes of marketing blogs.

8. Monetization
The latter is how you make money from a blog. There comes a time where you begin to reap the fruits of your hard work over the years.

There are so many ways you can do. The possibilities and opportunities are almost unlimited, so experimentation is the key. Find which one works best for your blog.

Among the many methods, there are actually three most common methods to monetize your blog:
Running the program advertising (CPC, CPM, CPA, CPV). To recognize the term in the world of internet advertising please read: Terms Advertising is Important to Know Beginners.
Promote affiliate products.
Selling products or services of your own.


Of course the eight points above do not represent all you need to build a successful blog. However, I can say that 8 of these things are essential and fundamental aspect of everything.

Success is always for us all.
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