3 Mistakes A Beginner Compulsory Blogger Avoided

Human beings have the properties will be forgotten and wrong, it was understandable because it has become human nature as it is. But we also should not remain silent in the continuous error.

That means we should be able to rise from its mistakes, how to correct any errors in ourselves. Because the best are those who learn from mistakes and not repeat the error.

Similarly, a blogger, certainly have mistakes often do so sometimes times it harm him.

So what are the mistakes a novice blogger that must be avoided? Please see the discussion below.

1. Many asked, little action

When asked is this and was asked to people who are already expert By insistently, in addition to the purchase of e-books everywhere, and it took this training, but they Takan never want to act.
As though the science has been learned is useless, because only minimal practice and no result has yet been given up helpless.
The type of people like these that can make people can not thrive. Because science is to be used not only to learn it. Make the orag who already want to teach you to earn money blogging.

2. Find backlinks anywhere and promotional spam

A further mistake beginner bloggers is a hobby nyari backlinks without taking care to make quality articles.

Kalo find backlinks still nowhere disaut, whether good or less good. Now all the usual habit novice blogger.

Backlink weve important but do not be greedy, I never encountered the blog who do not have backlinks but they have a lot of visitors to hundreds of thousands per day.

It is not one but many, they simply rely on the quality of the article only, and the results were also achieved the first level in the Search engine.

So do not cling to find backlinks anywhere, but keep the article as well as possible, yes.

Besides promoting your blog appropriately and targeted in order to get visitors loyal. Do not use bot auto post FB group

3. Too concerned with other people's blogs

The term was spying on rival, saw its backlink how, his article how and visitor much or not, SEO was good or not and so on.

It is not very good. Better take care of his own blog that can be a big as they are. Because too loyal to the blogs of others often makes us fail in the middle of the road.

Many explanations of the errors a novice blogger. Hopefully this is helpful for all of us.
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