What price My Website?
For a big fan of, say, a rock band concert tickets bule up to millions of rupiah, absolutely no problem. Another thing, for me who does not like it, will think 100 times to spend money for the sake of watching their concerts.
Similarly, the price of a website. It could be the value of a website worth $ 1,000 for someone, but it could be worth $ 10,000 for others. It is very dependent on how well the website in accordance with the target business or plan for the future buyer.
However, if there should be a benchmark in determining the price of a blog / website, the main factor is: earnings!
In this regard, many are mistaken or wrong in estimating, because they assume the 'potential'. Remember, that the potential is not actual revenue.
Sure, there may be certain specific conditions, where the earning potential is an important factor in estimating the price of a website. For example, such a website gets 50,000 pv per day, but not making money at all because it does not dimonetis by their owners. Then the price could be determined by estimating the revenue potential that may be obtained with traffic held earlier.
But, even in this situation too, prospective buyers should also suspicious. Why such a website with high traffic, not dimonetis? Why? What is wrong? Then finally the estimates of the potential income will be far made lower than the average.
Another thing to note, is that the revenue is revenue - cost. Although in this case, most of the website only has the burden of hosting fees, so often overlooked by prospective buyers.
Well now, my website income was $ xxxx, then what is the resale value?
Early estimates were quite good is 24 x the monthly income. It is worth a website income for 2 years. If your monthly income of $ 1,000, then the value of your website for $ 24.000.
It should be noted, that the benchmarks above usually is for a website that is well known. If your website is less than 1 year old, it could be smaller, eg 16x or 10x of monthly income.
A premium website (which has been very well known and has a very high traffic), can be estimated at up to 36x - 48x monthly income.
In addition to income above factors, other factors could also be considered in estimating the price of a website. As the quality of the domain name, brand strength, number of RSS subscribers or email, the amount of organic traffic and so forth.
Well, how? Was able to estimate what price your website? A time when there who intend to sell or bid wanted to buy it, now you do not need to be confused anymore estimate price.
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