Easy Ways to Make Latest Payoneer Account For Free

How to Easily Create New Account For Free payoner - Previously I've discussed about what is Payoneer, Payoneer can be used one of them to accept payments from affiliate merchan like amzon.com and other online transactions, if you happen to be an amazon affilate's easier for you to receive payment commission from amazon you can use Payoneer, or if you are a site owner of your online purchase can be a partner of payoneer so that financial transactions can you receive using Payoneer, but before you can use the services of Payoneer for online transactions you must have an account with Payoneer first.

Oh yes to have the Payoneer account is easy and you can make the Payoneer account for free at no charge a penny, but that you will get a debit card Payoneer mastercard logo, a kind of ATM card that you can use to take money out of your account balance payoneer in ATM- ATM in your city mastercard logo, and the card you can get for free anyway.

Through this article I will explain the steps how to make the Payoneer account the latest 2016, free of charge. but before I describe there are requirements that you must prepare as follows:

1. Set up your personal data, can use the ID (National ID) or other identity cards.
Biodata will be used to fill your Payoneer account data, the data used must be your original data for the Payoneer account as well as your virtual bank account that you can use to transact online.

2. Prepare scan your ID card, can be scanned or photographed just use the HP camera, I used to use the HP camera, for antisifasi perhaps prompted by the Payoneer when registering for the validation of your personal data.

3. Prepare Email
Please you set up email, email can use gmail, yahoo or other email, if you happen to not have email, you can make it in advance.

Steps Make Payoneer Account

If you've already set up the data to register with the next step is to register, as follows:

1. payoneer.com open the site or click here.

With the list through the link above you use my referral, the goal for enrollment payoneer you have the opportunity to earn a bonus of $ 25 from Payoneer, the bonus will be added to your account payoneer you and also account your referral once when the account balance payoneer you reach $ 100, but if you register without a referral you will not have a chance to get a bonus, so you better sign up Payoneer uses the referral of others.

2. Please click the "Sign Up & Earn $ 25 *, as shown in the picture above, you will go berikutnys registration stage looks like the image below:

There will be two options, "Local Bank Account" and "Prepaid MasterCard Card".

If you select Local Bank Account, you can bring up the funds you through a local bank, but if you choose prepaid Mastercard Card, you will be creating a debit card Payoneer mastercard which you can use to take account balance payoneer you through ATMs worldwide bearing the master card, the same as with an ATM card that you can use in Indonesia,

So that you can have a Payoneer Mastercard Debit Card, please select "Prepaid MasterCard Card", then press Sign up to go to the next step.

3. Filling your bio Key Data:

Data to be completed are as follows:

1. First Name : fill in your first name
2. Last Name : Fill in your last name
3. Email address : fill in your email (this will be your userid payoneer account used when logging)
4. Re-enter email address, re-enter your email
5. Date of born, enter your birth date.

The above data should you fill with ID card or your identity card, then you will be asked to menyekan ktp in a subsequent process so the data must be exactly the same.

Please press the Next button to go to the next stage, if the data is filled in correctly.

3. Contact fill Payoneer account details

The data requested is as follows:

1. Country : please select Indonesia,
2. Street addrss : Put your address in accordance ktp
3. City : content with the city
4. Postal code : content with the postal code
5. Phone: fill in your phone number, without any zeros at the beginning. (Fill in your phone number is still active for your Payoneer account verification)

Click the Next button if you have the requested data contents.

4. Fill out your Payoneer account password.

The data requested is as follows:

1. Enter the password : please enter passwod for the account you created payoneer being
2. Reenter password : enter the same password again
3. Scurity question : you can choose one to antisifasi if later you forget the login data of your Payoneer account.
4. Scurity Answer : fill with your choice answer.

Click the Next button to go to the next steps if the requested data is filled in correctly.

5. Completing the registration data of your Payoneer Account

The data that you must enter are as follows:

1. Type of goverment ID : please select National ID (KTP)
2. National ID : please input your ID card no
3. Country of Issue : select the State Indonesia.

Please scroll down to fill in further data.

The data requested is as follows:

1. Enter Alternate shipping address : shipping address for your Payoneer debit card, if not the same as the address on your ID card please tick and fill in the requested delivery address, can use your name and your address, you should fill in the address that is easily accessible by the office post your Payoneer card so fast up.

2. The checklist of all the rest.

Press Order if the requested data you have the content properly. If successful you will see the next page as the picture is taken:

Until the above steps are actually your personal data has been successfully submitted to the Payoneer. Payoneer will do a review of your personal data, usually takes no more than 24 hours, if it passes the reviews you will get an email notification that you have qualified payoneer review.

  The next step after a review of your Payoneer account registration is approved, you have to wait mastercard debit card payoneer your account to your door.

If you have successfully received a card payoneer you, before the Card you can use, you must activate your card, to activate your card, please log into your account pages payoneer you, usually for card validation you will be prompted to enter the serial number found on your Payoneer card.

What is your new Payoneer account balance?

After you successfully create the Payoneer account, your Payoneer account balance is zero, and you can not use your Payoneer account before your existing account balance payoneer its balance, you can fill your Payoneer account balance in several ways. are as follows:

1. Through referrals Payoneer account.

You can promote your Payoneer account that a lot of people who register payoneer with your referral, you and the referrals you will get $ 25 bonus when your referral payoneer account balance has reached $ 100.

2. You can work on sites like Odesk freelancer, Freelancer, Fiverr, and you can receive payments via Payoneer.

3. Menjadi affiliate marketer at some sites such as Plimus, adfly, Infolinks and Amazon

4. Payoneer payments from other members on your online transactions.

5. and others

What is the function of Payoneer Debit Card?

Payoneer card you have you can use to withdraw funds from ATMs worldwide bearing the master card, even some countries card payoneer you can use to shop as well as a credit card, but you can only use the card payoneer you if in your account payoneer you already its balance, if not then Payoneer card you can not use.

What is the difference payoneer with paypal?

Paypal and Payoneer actually memili the same function, the difference keduanyaadalah as follows:

1. the ease, paypal verification is very difficult because it must use a credit card, can also menggunan VCC virtual credit card, but sometimes it is not permanent. Payoneer account while it is very easy to verify.

2. Payoneer account accompanied by Mastercard Debit Card just like an ATM card that can be used to take the money in the world at atm logo mastercard.

3. Partner Payoneer not as much as paypal.

That is perhaps an article about How to Make payoner account for free, with a tutorial or manual steps on how to register payoneer hopefully be easier for you when you want to register Payoneer, immediately register mungpung still very easy.
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